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    你的位置:BDP 中文站 > Dione Protocol中文网 > ruse will bloom all the time浠€涔堟剰鎬漘鐧惧害鐭ラ亾

    ruse will bloom all the time浠€涔堟剰鎬漘鐧惧害鐭ラ亾

    发布日期:2025-01-04 14:50    点击次数:78

    回答1: 灞曞紑鍏ㄩ儴 鎰忔€濇槸璇¤浼?/strong>涓€鐩村紑鑺便€?/strong>閲嶇偣璇嶆眹ruse 璇¤ ; 楠楁湳   bloom 寮€鑺?nbsp;; 鍙樺緱鍋ュ悍 ; 鑺?nbsp;; 鍋ュ悍鏈夌簿绁炵殑闈㈣矊  all the time 鎬绘槸锛屼竴鐩?/p>鍔卞織鑻辫鐭彞1銆丷ose will bloom all the time.鈥滅帿鐟拌姳浼氫竴鐩寸洓寮€.鈥?br />2銆丩ive,laugh, love ,& bread.鈥滅敓娲伙紝寰瑧锛岀埍鍜岄潰鍖?鈥?br />3銆両t'll help the luck stick.鈥滃ソ浜嬪皢浼氬彂鐢?鈥?br />4銆乀o shine , not be illuminated.鈥滃幓鍙戝厜,鑰屼笉鏄鐓т寒.鈥?/p>5銆乴 hope we can all be as brave as each other.鈥滃笇鏈涙垜浠兘鑳藉儚瀵规柟涓€鏍峰媷鏁?鈥?br />6銆乊ou can't please everyone.鈥滀綘涓嶅彲鑳藉彇鎮︽墍鏈変汉.鈥?br />7銆丟iving up is for rookies."鏀惧純鏄嚘寮辩殑琛屼负8銆丒ven miracles take a little time."灏辩畻鏄杩逛篃闇€瑕佺偣鏃堕棿鏉ヨ瀹冨嚭鐜?鈥?br />